Hydrologic Projects
ESPAM2 Recharge Tools 1.5 Documentation
Output File Formatting
Expand the sections below for details.
CEL File Format
First row should say “Layer 1.”
Next is a block containing the values “1” for active cells and “0” for inactive cells. These are arranged with one row of values for each model grid row, with one value in each row for each corresponding model grid column.
Next is a single row with the word “AREA”
This is followed by a block containing the area of the model grid cells in square feet, arranged with one row per model grid row and in each row one value per model grid column.
CNL File Format
First row: “LINE ASSOCIATION” I think this is just a label for human readers, but MKMOD may refer to it.
Second row is the number of individual canals that are represented (44 canals in the sample data).
Next, there is one block of data for each canal.
The first row gives number of model cells (15 in the first canal in sample data), calibration multiplier (1), associated irrigation entity (IESW001) and canal name (A&B). The canal name is only for reporting purposes but I believe MKMOD expects it to be there.
In each block, there follows one line of data for each of the model cells. The essential entries are row (76), column (43) and canal name (A&B). Following the canal name is a string for human identification (1076043 1) but I believe MKMOD ignores this.
Note that there is no transition between blocks of data. Process control depends on the number of entries matching the specified number of cells in the first line of each block.
There should be no redundancy of cells within each canal’s individual block, but there will be redundancy between blocks because some cells contain more than one canal.
Following all the canal location entries is a block of data for each stress period. Each block is two or three lines long
- Line 1: Stress period number (STRESS PERIOD 1). I don’t know what the extraneous zero is doing at the end of that line but apparently MKMOD ignores it.
- Line 2: Data flag. “0” means “no data,” “-1” means “use last period’s data” and “1” means “new data follow.”
- Line 3: If line two is “1,” then the block contains a line of data. The values are leakage fractions by canal, presented in the same order that the canals are presented in the upper block.For each canal, the total seepage volume is (Entity Diversions + Offsite Pumping) * (Fraction from *.cnl file). MKMOD then apportions this volume of seepage uniformly to the cells identified in the first part of the *.cnl file. Note that fractions are additive; If Entity XYZ has 0.10 seepage for CANAL_XYZ_HIGHLINE and 0.10 for CANAL_XYZ_LOWLINE then total seepage will be 20% of (Diversions for XYZ + Offsite Pumping for XYZ).
DIV File Format
First row: “ENTITIES” I think this is just a label for human readers, but MKMOD may refer to it. Second row is the number of individual entities that are represented (38 entities in the sample data).
The third row is a list of entity names.
Following the entity names is a block of data for each stress period. Each block is two or four lines long:
- Line 1: Stress period number (STRESS PERIOD 1).
- Line 2: Data flag. “0” means “no data,” “-1” means “use last period’s data” and “1” means “new data follow.”
- Line 3: If line two is “1,” then the block contains two lines of data. The first line is diversion volumes in cubic feet, presented in the same order as the entities. The second line is return-flow volumes in cubic feet, presented in entity order. This particular file has had returns zeroed out, but if there had been values, MKMOD would be expecting positive numbers.
ENT File Format
First row: “ENTITIES” I think this is just a label for human readers, but MKMOD may refer to it.
Second row is the number of individual entities that are represented (48 in the sample data).
Following the entity count is one line for each entity. Its entries are Entity Name (IEGW501), water source (GW), ET adjustment factor for sprinkler irrigated lands (1.087) and ET adjustment factor for gravity irrigated lands (1.034). For surface-water entities (second value is “SW”), there follows a common name for the entity, which MKMOD uses in generating reports.
Following the individual entities is a block of data for each stress period, with two or three lines:
- Line 1: Stress period number (STRESS PERIOD 1).
- Line 2: Data flag. “0” means “no data,” “-1” means “use last period’s data” and “1” means “new data follow.”
- Line 3: If line two is “1,” then the block contains one line of data. The values are the fraction of land in the entity served by sprinklers, in entity order.
ETI File Format
One block of data per stress period. In each block of data is one row per model row, and in each row is one value per model column.
Each block is preceded by one row containing the text STRESS PERIOD x where x is the current stress period.
FPT File Format
First row: “POINT ASSOCIATION” I think this is just a label for human readers, but MKMOD may refer to it.
Second row is the number of individual points that are represented (1001 in the sample data).
Following the point count is one point for each entity. Its entries are Flag (N), Model Layer (1), row (38), column (160) and name (F1). I believe “name” is just for human readers, but MKMOD may use it in generating summaries. Field “Flag” is used to apply a Parameter Estimation (PEST) multiplier to all points with flag “W.” The multiplier used is housed within the hand-built *.mdl file. Any other flag is used only for report generation in MKMOD and does not affect calculations.
Cells can be repeated; some cells have more than one flux to be represented.
Following the individual points is a block of data for each stress period, with either two or several lines:
- Line 1: Stress period number (STRESS PERIOD 1).
- Line 2: Data flag. “0” means “no data,” “-1” means “use last period’s data” and “1” means “new data follow.”
- Line 3: If line two is “1,” then the block contains lines of data. I don’t know if the exact wrapping scheme is required by MKMOD, or if MKMOD just keeps reading until it has accumulated the appropriate number of points. Values are cubic feet, presented in point order. Negative numbers are water from the aquifer and positive numbers are water to the aquifer.
IAR File Format
There is no header line for this file. Each stress period is represented by a block of data that has either two lines or many lines. Each block contains:
- Line 1: Stress period number
- Line 2: Flag (“1” means new data, “-1” means use prior data, “0” means no data).
If Line 2 is “1” then Line 3 contains the count of model cells with irrigation, for that stress period (in this case 5,302).
Following line three is one block for each cell with irrigation:
- First line: Row (8), Column (107), number of irrigation entities represented in this cell (2)
- Second line: Names of irrigation entities represented (IEGW503 and IESW005)
- Third line: Irrigated area in square feet, in order of presentation of entities (74,400 and 741)
Cells should be represented uniquely in this section, I don’t think MKMOD could handle duplicates. I believe MKMOD performs the error check to assure that irrigated area does not exceed the total area of the cell.
NIR File Format
There is no header line for this file. Each stress period is represented by a block of data that has either two lines or many lines. Each block contains:
- Line 1: Stress period number
- Line 2: Flag (“1” means new data, “-1” means use prior data, “0” means no data).
If Line 2 is “1” then there follow a block of depths in feet of the expected recharge on non-irrigated lands. There is one row of data for each model grid row, and in each row of data there is one entry for each model column.
OFF File Format
The first row is “POINT ASSOCIATION” I believe this is just for human convenience, though MKMOD may refer to it.
The second row contains the number of points represented.
There follows one row for each point, with the following data:
- layer (1)
- row (34 in the sample data)
- column (159)
- Entity (IESW044)
- Feature name (Well1) (I think feature name is optional)
The tool should accommodate multiple wells in a single cell, though I don’t think this particular data set has any like that.
Each stress period is represented by a block of data that has either two lines or three lines. Each block contains:
- Line 1: Stress period number
- Line 2: Flag (“1” means new data, “-1” means use prior data, “0” means no data).
If Line 2 is “1” then there follows a line of volumes in cubic feet, presented in feature order. Negative numbers mean water is extracted from the aquifer.
PCH File Format
First row: “LINE ASSOCIATION” I think this is just a label for human readers, but MKMOD may refer to it.
Second row is the number of individual features that are represented (23 in the sample data).
Next, there is one block of data for each canal.
The first row gives number of model cells (39), calibration multiplier (1) and feature name (A&B). The feature name is only for reporting purposes but I believe MKMOD expects it to be there.
In each block, there follows one line of data for each of the model cells. The essential entries are row (76), column (43) and canal name (A&B). MKMOD would ignore any identification information that would follow, but none has been supplied in this file.
Note that there is no transition between blocks of data. Process control depends on the number of entries matching the specified number of cells in the first line of each block.
There should be no redundancy of cells within each feature’s individual block, but there will be redundancy between blocks because some cells contain more than one feature.
Following all the canal location entries is a block of data for each stress period. Each block is two or three lines long
- Line 1: Stress period number (STRESS PERIOD 1).
- Line 2: Data flag. “0” means “no data,” “-1” means “use last period’s data” and “1” means “new data follow.”
- Line 3: If line two is “1,” then the block contains a line of data. The values are leakage volume in cubic feet, presented in the same order that the features are presented in the upper block. Positive numbers are water going into the aquifer. Some features (like parts of the Big Lost River) at times gain water from the aquifer, so negative numbers can appear.
PRE File Format
There is no header line for this file. Each stress period is represented by a block of data that has either two lines or many lines. Each block contains:
- Line 1: Stress period number
- Line 2: Flag (“1” means new data, “-1” means use prior data, “0” means no data).
If Line 2 is “1” then there follows a block of precipitation depths in feet.
There is one row of data for each model grid row, and in each row of data there is one entry for each model column. The values are precipitation depth in feet, for each model cell.
I believe MKMOD recognizes a no-data flag. It might be -9999 but you should double check with Allan or plan to populate every cell.
SOL File Format
There is no header line for this file. Like the *.nir and *.pre files, each stress period is represented by a block of data. However, the *.sol file has only a single block, for stress period one (these values are applied for the entire simulation). It contains:
- Line 1: Stress period number
- Line 2: Flag (“1”)
Then there follows a block of zone numbers.
There is one row of data for each model grid row, and in each row of data there is one entry for each model column. The values are integer codes, for each model cell.
The no-data flag is -9999.
TRB File Format
First row: “LINE ASSOCIATION” I think this is just a label for human readers, but MKMOD may refer to it.
Second row is the number of individual features that are represented (22 in the sample data).
Next, there is one block of data for each basin.
The first row gives number of model cells (8), calibration multiplier (1) and feature name (LtleLost). The feature name is only for reporting purposes but I believe MKMOD expects it to be there.
In each block, there follows one line of data for each of the model cells. The essential entries are row (76), and column (43). MKMOD would ignore any identification information that would follow, but none has been supplied in this file.
Note that there is no transition between blocks of data. Process control depends on the number of entries matching the specified number of cells in the first line of each block.
There should be no redundancy of cells within each feature’s individual block, but there will be redundancy between blocks because some cells contain more than one feature.
Following all the tributary location entries is a block of data for each stress period. Each block is two or three lines long
- Line 1: Stress period number (STRESS PERIOD 1).
- Line 2: Data flag. “0” means “no data,” “-1” means “use last period’s data” and “1” means “new data follow.”
- Line 3: If line two is “1,” then the block contains a line of data. The values are leakage volume in cubic feet, presented in the same order that the features are presented in the upper block. Positive numbers are water going into the aquifer. No negative values are expected.