Dept Water Resources

Aqua Info

Aqua Info is an easy-to-use method for you to interface with data collected by the Idaho Department of Water Resources. Not all data is made publicly available and all data are provisional and subject to change.

How to Use

  1. Click Begin Now to open the Data page and display a map with all publicly-available Measurement Sites associated with latitudes and longitudes.

  2. To view a Measurement Site’s details and available data sets, click a point:

    Measurement Site Popup
  3. From the Measurement Site pop-up menu, click the dataset you want to query. The form fields below the map automatically display the query selections.

    Manual Site Selection Sample
    NOTE: Not all Measurement Sites have associated latitudes and longitudes. For these sites, bypass the map and use the drop-down lists in the form fields to choose Site Type, Measurement Site, and Data Frequency.
  4. To adjust the date range for the data set, type a date in both the From and To text boxes. Alternatively, click the Calendar icon for each text box to select the dates.

    Datepicker Selection Sample
  5. Click Chart to generate a visual representation of the data set.

    Generated Chart Sample
  6. To generate a CSV file of the data set, click CSV.

    JSON CSV and Chart Buttons